Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hair Choice.

So, I want to do my hair differently. I just dyed it a really dark mocha color, but I'm thinking a lighter shade would compliment me more. (My natural hair color is like, a dirt blonde-brown.) I have always loved this color.

Yes, it's Miley Cyrus, but who cares. The girl has pretty hair, okay? I've wanted my hair like this for so long, but I hate digging into my wallet to pay for it. But, beauty is priceless, right? Well, I was convinced on growing my hair out and dying it this shade until I saw this hair cut.

Same girl, same color, just shorter. And, coincidentally, I've been telling my boyfriend how badly I wanted a bob, but he was just so opposed. Now that I've saw this slightly longer, collarbone length do, I really want it. But, at the same time, I'm not sure.

So, what do you think about  it? Leave comments and let me know, thanks for reading!

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