Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Great Day.

So, today I'm celebrating two wonderful years with my boyfriend. We weren't going to do much, but he surprised me with roses as I was doing my makeup. It was so sweet and I can honestly say I wasn't expecting it.

My makeup bag from Glitzy Glam, also a present from my boyfriend, came in today. He wasn't all that happy with it, but I like it. It's simple and it holds my makeup, so I'm not complaining. Sure, I can get something a little more stylish, but this one will do for now. I'll post some pictures later on this evening.

My ELF shipment has reached Indianapolis, which is only a state away, so it should be getting here tomorrow or Friday. I don't know when Cherry Culture will get here, the tracking device sucked on the website. Maybe I just can't figure it out, I don't know.

But, I did get my youtube video, so check it out. It's lame and will probably embarrass me later on in the future, but I did it. Thanks for all you readers, I really do appreciate you all!

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