Monday, August 8, 2011

N.Y.C. Haul.

When you think of N.Y.C. products, you think of cheap, dollar store makeup. For a while, that might have been true, but I think the people behind the scenes are upgrading. While these products will never be MAC, they certainly are an inexpensive alternative.

I actually really like this quad. It's in Lexington Luxury and the colors are very pretty. If you can't really tell, the colors are (from left to right) a light shimmery purple, black, pure white, and a deeper shimmery purple. You can do a fantastic smokey eye with this and for around $4.

I didn't use any sort of primer before applying. As you can see, the two purples didn't show up all that well, but I wasn't in the best lighting either. Even so, I would still recommend this quad.

This duo eyeliner pencil was only $2 and I have to say, it does a pretty decent job. The color glides on very well and it last surprising long. The only thing I have to say is that the brown doesn't show up as well as the black. But it's fine, because I still get some use out of it for my brows.

I think I wasted three bucks on this liquid eyeliner. It may just be that I don't have the steadiest hands, but I think it smudges easily, too. And I really don't recommend using it on your lower lash line. I had to literally take my fingers and pull strings of product off of my eyes and in my tear duct. I just don't like this at all.

I'm really not sure how much this cost. I don't even think they sell it anymore. They're newer mascara looks more high end, but in all honesty, I don't see anything wrong with this type. I wouldn't use it on your lower lashes, it's too hard to apply with the voluminous brush, but on your top lashes, it looks beautiful. Beware, though, if you don't remove the extra excess from the bristles or if you apply too much, it starts to clump. Just take your lashes between your fingertips and pull, and it looks as good as new. Remember: Less is more.

This is their Smooth Skin Loose Face Powder in Naturally Beige. I use this to set my foundation and to give it a matte finish. From my overall look, I believe it works. This is something I use everyday and there's quite a bit of product in it for only $3. I'll definitely buy this again.

I wouldn't use their Cover Stick as a concealer, even if it's what it's made for. I just don't think it covers that well. But it isn't a total loss. I do use this for my dark eye circles and while it doesn't completely remove them, it does make them less noticeable. And for two bucks, you can also use it for an eyelid primer.

I could go on for days about this bronzer. It's in Sunny and it's absolutely amazing. I just ordered the Warm Bronzer from ELF's Studio line, but after one use, I switched right back to this. (More on that review later.) There is no shimmer to it at all, which I like, and there's a sun in the powder. As you can see, I've used this too much to see it. This was only $3 but I would still buy it if it were $20. Who says you can't get quality with NYC?

(The blush isn't from NYC. It's from Wet n Wild, which I will also review at a later time.) The color is very pigmented and gives you a pretty sunkissed look. But like any bronzer, add too much and you look orange.

This nail polish is only $2 but those two dollars are still a waste in my eyes. The color is very, very pretty. But it chips. Badly. I wore this for one day and I already had to reapply it. If you switch colors on a daily basis, it'd be a good buy. But, for me, this is a miss.

That's all of the NYC products I have, but I can assure you, I will buy more. I love makeup, but I don't like spending a ton of money for it. NYC helps me out a lot. Try it and you won't regret it.

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