Monday, October 24, 2011

Contest, up and Running!

I've reached my goal of 25 subscribers on my YT! So, because of that, my fall contest is running until November 11, 2011. If you haven't subscribed, all you have to do is become a subbie and follow the rules on my video. It's not a big list, so just check it out. Free makeup! And one of those prizes could be a Rue 21 Natural Eye Kit!

Another thing, I've been thinking about creating another channel strictly towards music and covers. If it's something you'd like to see, let me know!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I've reached my goal of 25 subscribers on youtube! And as I promised, I will come out with a video explaining the rules. If you want a chance to win the Fall themed makeup prize, just go to the channel and hit the subscribe button. And don't forget to tell me what you'd like to see in that prize. Specific items, brands, etc.

I am so thankful for my followers. Especially the fact that I reached that goal on my birthday! So, thank you all so much for the support. I love you!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Should I?

So, there are two things that I'm thinking about doing and I would absolutely loveee your all's input.

The first thing has to do with becoming a makeup rep. I'm leaning more towards Mark than I am for Avon, just because Mark seems more youthful. You only pay $20 and you get your starter kit. Then you can begin selling almost instantly, I think. This isn't like, a full time job or anything. I work part time, but I only make around $100 a week and I'm needing a bit more than that. So, this is just a way to make some extra cash and get some discounts on products.

What do you think? Is Mark the way to go?

And second. I'm thinking about signing up for BirchBox. If you don't know what it is, you basically pay $10 a month and you receive 4-5 travel sized makeup products. If you like them enough, you can purchase the full size. Seems like a pretty good investment to me, so how 'bout it? Do you have BirchBox? Do you like it?

Please, please, please leave your thoughts below! And don't forget to check out my Youtube channel!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

ELF Everday Beauty Book.

I've had this for a while and figured I'd post a little review about it. I bought this from Target for $5 and while it isn't the best quality, it was worth my five bucks. The lighter colors aren't all that pigmented, but go with the darker and you'll see big improvement. I haven't noticed any creasing and the staying power is pretty great, so I would definitely check this out. 12 eye shadows for $5? Steal deal.

These beauty books are available in a few other options, all can be found at Target. I'm not sure if the website still carries these or not. Last time I checked, I couldn't find it. But, don't take my word for it. Definitely pick this up for yourself or even as a Christmas gift.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


So, I now have a Formspring account! Definitely check it out and ask anything that comes to mind, outrageous or not.

Here's the link:

And don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel for your chance to win a Fall makeup package!
If you don't have an account, it's easy and free to make one! Start clicking!

Monday, October 10, 2011

My First Subbie!

So, I logged onto my youtube account today and I saw my first subscriber! You don't know how ecstatic I was. They also left me a very nice comment that has encouraged me to do all the things that I love. I'm hoping this is the first of many. Maybe they'll start the movement!? Come join!

On another note, I have a contest in progress, so go on and click the Contest page above for more details.

Much love!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Don't Hate Me!

I know, I know! This blog is supposed to be all about drugstore products, but I caved! I was just so tired of "okay" foundations, I mean, who isn't? So, yes. I went to Macy's, walked to the MAC counter and purchased the Studio Fix Fluid Foundation and the Mineral Skin Finish Powder. Let's not stop reading, okay? Let me explain.

 I've watched youtube for months straight. I don't think I go a day without watching at least one beauty guru. And in almost every video, I saw this pretty little powder. I knew MAC was pretty expensive, but I still wanted it. And if you knew me, you'd understand how tight I am with my money. If I spend $20 on a shirt or $30 on a purse, the next day I feel absolutely horrible. So, I didn't act on this on a whim. I don't have a lot of money to spend, so I'm pretty careful about what I buy.

Anyway, a week went by and I wanted this just as badly. And so, I bought it in Medium.This was around $27, very pricey compared to my $8 Maybelline Dream Matte Powder, but after just one use? Totally worth it I honestly recommend you saving money back and purchasing this product. You won't be sorry.

Like the powder, I wanted this just as badly. I was so sick of my Revlon Colorstay, it's not even funny. (If you'd like a review on that, I'd be glad to do it. Just comment below.) So, the lady at the counter matched me with NW20. The only downside is how small this is. It looked bigger in the youtube videos, but I have bigger hands, so that could be it. But, it's only 1 fluid once, I'm not sure how big my other foundations are, I'll have to look. (They all have the same amount, so that's good.)

But, it's okay because you honestly don't need a lot. The lady told me about the pumps for $7, but I had no problem pouring it on my hand, except that you can't. The product is so creamy, you really can't dispense it any other way. Right now I'm dipping my brush in it, but I'm picking up a pump today.

This foundation is medium to heavy coverage, which is amazing and my skin looks natural and flawless. This is going to be the first foundation I've ever finished. But, the smell is kind of overwhelming. I can't explain it, but it does get annoying. That's really the only downfall. And the price. But, like I said. Save your money up. It won't take that long to come up with $57. I know, I know. A lot for just two items, but it's amazing.

Don't think department store brands will take over my collection. I love my drugstore makeup and I have no problem with their eyeliners, shadows, mascaras, and blushes. But, I've come to find that when it comes to your face, extra money is kind of a must.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

False Eyelashes.

So, I've been looking into buying some false lashes, but I don't know which brand I should get. I bought the Natural ones from ELF in my first haul, but I threw those away because they wouldn't stick, but now I see that it was the lash glue, not the lashes themselves.

I really regret throwing them away. I'm thinking about re-purchasing? But, still unsure. So, I'm just going to ask you guys. What are your favorite brands? Any tips on how to apply and some good lash adhesive? Anything will be helpful, and I'd just like some feedback! (:

So, get to typing and don't forget to check out the youtube channel and subscribe!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Yes, I know I've been neglecting my blog, I'm sorry! Being busy is the typical excuse, but it's the truth, too. I just went to ULTA and bought some NYX lipsticks, a few things from WalMart, and some other things, so I'll post reviews and hauls and what not soon.

OH! Don't forget to check out my youtube channel! I'll be doing a haul on there very shortly. So, let's subscribe, shall we?

I love you guys!