Saturday, August 20, 2011

UPDATED: Revlon Cream Eye Shadow.

If you've read my previous review on this product, you know how highly I raved about it. But, since then, I've noticed how badly these creased alone. I really wanted to love these, I mean, the colors are so creamy and beautiful, but I can't get over the creasing. And, I'm going to be honest. If it was just slight creasing in my, well, crease, I'd be pretty okay with it. But, it's not. It's all over my lid and it looks terrible.

I did, however, find a solution, so I'm still getting my money's worth. All I do is use this as a base for similar colors to make them more intense. My browns look richer and the pinks give more pigment. And no creasing! So, I still love this product, just not alone.

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